from USA Today:
The NFL blasted the idea that only players suffer harm during a lockout and tried to use some lockout-mitigating words of some players against them in a court filing on Monday.
The league remained in a state of lockout-induced limbo as judges from the Eighth District Court of Appeals considered whether to make permanent an order they issued on Friday that allowed the league to reimpose the work stoppage.
The NFL filed a brief with the court that rejected the ruling of a lower court -- which originally invalidated the lockout on April 25 -- that said players were suffering immediate irreparable harm from the work stoppage.
Instead, the NFL asked the appellate court to continue the stay of the lower court's ruling indefinitely while it considers the broader appeal that would overturn the decision of U.S. District Court Judge Susan Richard Nelson.
The league would be thrust into a "catch-22," it argued, if forced to open for business and player transactions. One the one hand, the court would be ordering it to impose new work rules in the absence of a CBA, while on the other the league would then be exposed to potential antitrust violations.
Meanwhile, I'm stuffing my face with potato chips, yelling "Just play the damn game" and they're getting everywhere